30 January, 2005
Good Weekend
26 January, 2005
What an Interesting Idea!
Vilsack, a Democrat, was keeping an open mind about the Senate Republican plan. He said it would be considered, along with a raft of other proposals from various groups to help Iowa's economy."It's early in the session. There will be other proposals. The governor appreciates the early attention to education and job creation" from both parties, said Matt Paul, the governor's spokesman. Michael Blouin, the state's economic development director, said: "I'm glad they have a package on the table. We need options. We need 'em fast."
This notion is true of nations as well... Unless we quickly cure the ills of social security in this country, the younger workers two decades from now will likely not tolerate the European-level taxation that will be required to pay off the retirees of that time... I wonder how many enterprising young workers will be willing to leave the country and strike out for greener economic pastures?
25 January, 2005
Progressively Faster
22 January, 2005
Time to Grow Up
From the article: It is a largely unforeseen consequence of the aging of America. As the elderly population continues to grow and baby boomers move into their senior years, the number of older adults who abuse drugs - from pain pills to marijuana and cocaine - is increasing. And the nation should prepare to meet the special needs of older addicts, says Ron Hunsicker of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers. ALSO- the number of people 50 and older who will need treatment for alcohol or drugs will nearly triple in the next 15 years, to 4.4 million in 2020 from 1.7 million in 2001.
Come on- it's time to grow up, stop fiercely clinging to your youth, drop the drugs, and be the best grandparents you can be... I wonder how long it will be before the AARP starts demanding special treatment centers for older addicts- at taxpayer expense, of course!
18 January, 2005
17 January, 2005
16 January, 2005
Long Weekend
14 January, 2005
Public Relations
I've put a few thoughts on the recent Public Relations campaigns of the drug companies and Wal-Mart over at Framptonia. Take a look.
12 January, 2005
Unarmed Marines?
- The competency of the Indonesian Armed Forces, which are 'protecting' our people.
- The temporary suspension of hatred towards the US by any radicals in the area.
10 January, 2005
It's Time for Republicans to Walk the Walk
Republicans have talked the talk about Social Security for some years now. Now either walk the walk, or be exposed as frauds. They have both Houses of Congress, and the White House. No more excuses. Real Social Security reform like partial privatization is the only hope for any of us younger workers to see one cent of all the money we've put into the system...
Abbas Elected Palestinian President
I wonder what the neighboring Muslim reaction would be if the Palestinians and Israel arrive at a lasting peace? Would the surrounding countries accept the situation? My guess is that they can never be fully satisfied as long as Israel exists...
07 January, 2005
My Corporate Governance and Social Security
06 January, 2005
01 January, 2005
The United States got Played
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for some assistance by our government, namely all the wonderful things that our military and its equipment can do for the victims in terms of transport, clearing debris, and the beginnings of a rebuilding effort. Perhaps we can assist with the development of a tsunami early warning system for that part of the world. I have never believed that just throwing money at a problem will solve it. It won't work in this case either. Furthermore, the United States Treasury is not an insurance policy for people who choose to live and work in the coastal areas of foreign lands.
The administration could have waited, determined what we can efficiently do for these people, then acted with the appropriate resources. In the meantime, they could have also reminded the world that private charities and several NGOs are already acting with tremendous resources at their disposal. What would be wrong with waiting to see what can be accomplished by the private sector first? Want to call me stingy? Fine. You can bet that I won't over-react just to disprove you. By the way, Strengthen the Good has links for tsunami aid, if you're interested.