25 July, 2006

Occasionally, I Check

my statcounter to see who has been poking around the blog. It's kind of fun to see where all the readers are coming from. I noticed yesterday that someone from the Bill Richardson campaign was reading several posts here at D.R.

Welcome, lefties! We mean you no harm. At least not physically!

Joe's Crab Shack as a Destination?

Who knew? Saturday, my brother, a friend and I rode our bikes down to Memphis, Tennessee to have lunch at Joe's Crab Shack- the downtown location has a great view of the river and downtown Memphis... It was a good way to spend an afternoon. Clear weather, good riding, and a belly full of seafood. Beats a day in the office.

21 July, 2006

I am Now a Motorcycle Collector

I just bought, for a very reasonable price, a 1982 Honda CB 650 Four... An excellent winter fix-up project. It will never see the same road time that my BMW R1150R gets, but it will be fun to get it running again and ride it in the summers.

19 July, 2006

Motorola Update

I am happy to say that Giant International, the manufacturer of Motorola FRS radios, has stepped up and resolved my warranty issues to my satisfaction... So Motorola at least partially lives on in the world of Dennis. Cell phones are still out, though.

17 July, 2006

Hezbollah Gets What it Deserves...

14 July, 2006

Bye-Bye Moto!

Well, not yet, but I am very close to chunking all things Motorola around my house and workplace. Too many quality issues lately with cell phones and FRS radios... Did you realize that Motorola doesn't even manufacture its own FRS radios? A company called Giant International does. Motorola had no interest in assisting me with my warranty issues, so now their credibility with me rides on what Giant does or doesn't do (not that Motorola cares, I'm just one customer- but I do get to vent here) ...

11 July, 2006

Rife Sticks It

To the NOW gals, that is... with his usual biting truth. Check out his thoughts on the NOW gang and the topic of female genital mutilation (a legitimate feminist issue).

Even I Get It Right Sometimes

My Ken Lay prediction (see previous post) was spot-on... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2006/07/06/ny-post-wants-lay_n_24479.html


05 July, 2006

Prediction of the Week

Ken Lay of Enron fame is dead... I give it one, maybe two days before some nut-case claims that Lay paid off the appropriate officials, faked his death, and is living well in the Caribbean- avoiding the potential 20 year prison sentence... Just wait, it will happen.

04 July, 2006

Jihadists, They're Not...

While it bugs me to defend the New York Times on Independence Day, it seems the rhetoric has ramped up to the point of insanity... Conservatives are calling for treason charges to be brought against the Times reporters, often saying that the Times has endangered the lives of Americans by revealing our financial monitoring methods. Really?

While I agree that the Times is an incredibly self-centered, 'blame America first' organization that sees itself in an epic struggle to bring down Bush and will publish anything to bring him down a notch, I don't believe they've committed treason. Just incredibly bad judgment. While there might be a few terrorists out there who didn't realize that we were monitoring international wire transfers, I can't believe that those terrorists are very smart. I assumed on September 11, 2001 that all wire transfers going out or coming in to the United States would at the very least be scrutinized by computer, if not human analysts. Isn't that an obvious assumption? If it was that obvious to me, it should have been that obvious to any self-respecting terrorist out there.

So back off the Times for now...