27 September, 2006

Welcome Aboard, 7-Eleven!

I see that 7-Eleven has joined my boycott of Citgo... Glad you're on board, boys.

23 September, 2006

Just back from Chicago

Had a great time at a meeting with a supplier. Took in a Sox game from a suite, a boat ride downtown, etc. It's not NYC, but an awesome city nonetheless.

18 September, 2006

I'm Just an Infidel Trying to Make it in this World...

Perhaps Pope Benedict is as well: "He said, I quote, 'Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.'"

(story link: CNN.com - Pope's Islam comments condemned - Sep 15, 2006)

I wish the Pope wouldn't be so apologetic- the truth is the truth...

11 September, 2006

If you know the enemy and know yourself,

you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. So said Sun Tzu in The Art of War...

September 11 reminds us of the capabilities and intent of our radical Islamic enemies. They are not interested in getting along, sharing the planet with non-Muslims, land for peace, or any other negotiation. They want us to convert to Islam, or die. It's that simple to them. So we know our enemy.

How well do we know ourselves? It's gut-check time. It seems that many people (USA, UK, and other Europeans included) want to keep their heads in the sand as to the nature of the threat we face. Claiming that those of us who clearly see this threat are "fear-mongering" or are "blood thirsty" doesn't make the threat go away. Do we have what it takes to eliminate these people who wish us harm?

We did in the second World War. We were forced to flex our muscles and show the world what the USA is capable of accomplishing if it chooses. Had we not, my guess is that a hell of a lot more people would be speaking German now, and the genocide would have continued unabated. It's time to take the gloves off, let the CIA do some really dirty work (assassinations and other covert operations), and kill the enemy before it happens to us again. I think Blair and Bush see the threat pretty clearly, but the U.S. Congress is a different matter.

If you haven't yet made it down to Ground Zero in NYC, I strongly recommend you go. It's hard not to get angry when you see it.

06 September, 2006

Moral Relativity

is not a good thing... But it may increase the returns on some mutual funds... I noticed in last Friday's Wall Street Journal that some of the "socially responsible" mutual funds are relaxing their restrictions on the stocks that are eligible for their portfolios. The lack of "vice" companies has held back the performance of these funds for some time now. Shame on the funds for easing their morality- I thought it was their #1 motive in their investments.

I have no moral problems with the vice stocks- in fact, I am the proud owner of Altria stock (cigarette manufacturer). My morality makes me believe that you have the right to pollute your body with anything you wish, just don't let your habit infringe on my rights. Some choose nicotine to pollute themselves, I choose chocolate. Nevertheless, I am a good death merchant, and always smile when I see someone buying Marlboros at the gas station...

Vice stocks always seem to do well when the economy slows- so if you believe we're in a slow-down, go get some vice stocks!

04 September, 2006

So the Crocodile Hunter Died

He was clearly passionate about his work, and he died doing what he loved. Not a bad way to go.