04 July, 2006

Jihadists, They're Not...

While it bugs me to defend the New York Times on Independence Day, it seems the rhetoric has ramped up to the point of insanity... Conservatives are calling for treason charges to be brought against the Times reporters, often saying that the Times has endangered the lives of Americans by revealing our financial monitoring methods. Really?

While I agree that the Times is an incredibly self-centered, 'blame America first' organization that sees itself in an epic struggle to bring down Bush and will publish anything to bring him down a notch, I don't believe they've committed treason. Just incredibly bad judgment. While there might be a few terrorists out there who didn't realize that we were monitoring international wire transfers, I can't believe that those terrorists are very smart. I assumed on September 11, 2001 that all wire transfers going out or coming in to the United States would at the very least be scrutinized by computer, if not human analysts. Isn't that an obvious assumption? If it was that obvious to me, it should have been that obvious to any self-respecting terrorist out there.

So back off the Times for now...

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