20 February, 2007

It's Time to Back off the Bank of America

This recent policy of issuing credit cards to Mexicans seems to have really touched one of the many nerves regarding immigration in the United States... Apparently, Bank of America believes that it's muy importante to service credit-worthy foreigners who want credit cards. The Hispanic population of the USA, illegally here or not, is by far the fastest-growing. It makes tremendous business sense to serve that market. Regardless of why they're here, Bank of America sees what they believe to be a creditworthy foreigner standing in front of them (or at the very least, one who is willing to establish a secured card by putting money up-front).

I say it's good old Capitalism, plain and simple. People are talking as if the bank is issuing unsecured credit cards to all illegal immigrants, which is clearly preposterous. Kudos to Bank of America, for refusing to behave like a charity, and actually trying to make a buck. I really hope they don't cave in to the pressure on this one.

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