17 February, 2005

Kyoto Protocol Now in Effect Around the World

THIS is a very interesting article about the Kyoto Protocol on gas emissions that came into effect yesterday...

It seems to me that even the countries who ratified it don't know how they will enforce it, monitor it, or comply with it within the appropriate time tables. From the article: In Japan, a tireless supporter of the pact, the enactment was being met with a mixture of pride and worry that the world's second-largest economy is unprepared to meet its emissions reduction targets.
Canada also has no plan in place to meet its commitments under Kyoto. Environment Minister Stephane Dion said Tuesday the plan won't be spelled out in the Feb. 23 budget as had been widely expected, but "in the weeks after the budget."

He gave no deadline. Canada has agreed to a six per cent cut in greenhouse emissions from 1990 levels by 2008-2012.

As to our refusal to sign it, we did the right thing. Emerging economies like China and India get a free pass, while the already industrialized world gets handcuffed. It's like the 100 Meter dash in the Olympics, but with varying degrees of difficulty- OK, India and China, you run freely, with no ankle weights. USA, Australia, Canada, you guys put one of these 5 pound ankle weights on each leg, to make it fair.... I'm sure the race would be exciting.

1 comment:

Gordon Smith said...

It's MUCH better to do nothing. Definitely. Better to continue to pollute more than any other nation without trying to impose curbs of any sort. In fact, with Healthy Forests and Clear Skies acts, we're going to make things worse.

The Kyoto signatory nations are willing to conserve our global natural resources and to act conservatively to diminish any possible climate effects wreaked by our industrial activities.

It just seems logical to do something when the fate of the planet hangs in the balance.