28 March, 2005

Annan close to quitting over UN scandals

Sean at Soundoff points out this article from the Sunday Times- Depressed Annan close to quitting over UN scandals. I don't feel a bit sorry for Annan. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. More interesting, however, will be the outright organized campaign of Bill Clinton to take his place. I think Clinton sees this as a chance to influence world affairs, and perhaps secure the legacy that may be lacking from his Presidency. Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

Do you think Clinton is healthy enough for the job? Every time I see him he looks more pale and more frail. And do you really think with the world's current anti-American sentiment that a former US President would be welcomed to lead the world (as it were)?

I'd be a lot happier if the US would just withdraw from the UN and evict them from the country.

Dennis said...

Kudos to you, Lyric- I'm for eviction as well. Send all those despots back to their God-forsaken countries, instead of living it up in New York on our tax money... As for Clinton, remember- he was our first black president- I think the world sees him as too sophisicated to be an 'ugly American.' As long as he has his health, he has a shot at the United Nations Secretary General...