to the blogroll, that is... Check out Tran Sient. A thought-provoking political guy.
30 June, 2005
29 June, 2005
Strange Blog Traffic
I've noticed a fair amount of international traffic lately on two rather strange posts on this blog:
- This photo of a fungus called "slime mold," which made an appearance in my flower bed for some reason last year, and
- This semi-political rant about the new Hooters in Shanghai. No one reads the post, they just dig the picture...
I can see why the Hooters post would be popular, but slime mold? C'mon...
Take That Property...
THIS, if true, would be perfect justice for the recent Kelo v New London Eminent Domain decision... Of course, it would never happen to a well-connected Supreme Court justice...
26 June, 2005
25 June, 2005
In Light of
Get involved. It could be your house next. John from the Arkanssouri blog created a page to expose companies that are involved in eminent domain property theft: Take a look at his page, and vote with your wallet...
23 June, 2005
The Supreme Court
21 June, 2005
16 June, 2005
Frill America?
From his last sentence- "Its all just another sign of the widening gap – between frill and non-frill America," Mr. Reich continues his frequent attempts to incite envy and class warfare in this country. So there are people who want to live large. Big deal. Go out, make some money, and do it yourself if you want to. Nobody's holding you back.
Mr. Reich's play on economic ignorance is what really gets me. His first paragraph makes it sound as if all major airlines have conspired to take away from the have-nots (coach passengers) their beloved curbside baggage service and in-flight meals... He knows damn well that major airlines can't profitably deliver those services to coach passengers in today's market. The discount airlines have proven that passengers by and large just want to get from point A to B, no frills. The major airlines had to adapt.
The plain truth from his commentary: "Now, in cutting the amenities for coach and loading up on luxuries for business and first class, big airlines are merely responding to the market. You see, regular passengers increasingly care only about one thing: They want to lowest possible fare. But upscale passengers are eager to pay for more and more comfort and attention. That's what it means to be upscale in America today."
What a shame that airlines are responding to the market and to the needs of their customers- and maybe even making some money (only on the 'frills' types) while they're at it!
12 June, 2005
Soybean Rust May be a Problem After All

This is a recent satellite pic of Tropical Storm Arlene, which certainly has the capacity to bring Asian Soybean Rust to a significant part of the bean-growing area of the US... Up till now, rust has only been confirmed in Florida and Georgia. For those of you who don't know, Asian Soybean Rust can completely defoliate a soybean field within days - a serious problem for those who produce and consume soy.
Here is a recent map of the soybean rust situation. This topic is not a problem for most of my readers, but here in the Midwest, it could be huge. I remain confident that rust will be contained with modern fungicides, even if the infestation becomes widespread. Time will tell.
09 June, 2005
Iraq Dinar a Winner
05 June, 2005
Blogroll Update
I'm trying to keep only frequently-updated blogs in my blogroll- If yours makes my blogroll but disappears, it will likely be back when you're updating regularly... Just trying to keep my house clean...