26 June, 2005


I once had a corporate finance professor in college who, when occasionally off on a tangent about ethics, would say, "Never steal anything from your employer with a fair market value of LESS than one year's salary." In other words, don't steal.

My partners and I recently caught an employee of ours stealing inventory from us and selling it on eBay... Not enough to break us, but enough to be a felony. Strangely enough, a minor change in his normal routine is what exposed his process... To you employers out there, change up the routine on your employees every now and then. You might be surprised with what you learn. Trust, but verify.

It will be interesting to see if the wheels of justice roll as they should.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I learned early on that an employer or supervisor must remove opportunity for employees to steal or, in my profession embezzle. Honesty is the employee's responsibility, but given the opportunity to cheat and the need - say a child needing unaffordable health care - can turn an honest employee into something far less.