In case it's hard to read, E. Earl says that a Democratic Congress will:
Raise Minimum Wage **
Close the Border
Bring Down Gas Prices ***
Revive Lost Industries ***
Level Global Trade Field +
Balance the Budget
Lower the Trade Defecit ***
Re-Energize the Family Farm +
Re-Direct Government to the People +
* not the function of government
** destroyer of entry-level jobs
*** impossible in the long term, due to economic forces beyond the government's control
+ total B.S., feel-good political rhetoric
Clearly, E. Earl was no economics major. A Congress of any political makeup can really only accomplish three of these goals. Raising the minimum wage is easy enough for Congress to do. Closing the Border, a different story. We better get to work on the Great Wall of the Southwest soon... Maybe E. Earl will lend a hand in its construction! Last, but not least, E. Earl and friends could balance the budget... While I recognize that in E. Earl's world, that's a code phrase for "raise your taxes to balance the budget," it could actually be done with radical spending reduction as well. That would take a tremendous amount of leadership...
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