26 December, 2007

Update and Random Quote of the Week

Sorry to my regular readers for the lack of posting this month. I have no good excuse (well, I actually do, but it would be flimsy), so I'll just jump back in with the usual worthless commentary and observations:

Since my last post, the University of Missouri Tigers were, for one glorious week, number one in the nation in football. It didn't last, but what a great time. I've been waiting for a season like this for twenty years, now it's finally happened. Just gotta beat the Razorbacks now in the Cotton Bowl....

Hugo "The Ass" Chavez lost his referendum on Constitutional change in Venezuela, which makes me happy. A temporary setback in his plans to turn the country into the next failed attempt at achieving a worker's paradise... Many people are saying that this effectively buries Chavez politically, but I disagree. Never underestimate the desire of a power-hungry socialist idiot to seize all the power he can. I predict he will make a more bold move before his term as President is up.

And finally, a random quote of the week:
In the day of prosperity we have many refuges to resort to; in the day of adversity only one.--HORATIUS BONAR.

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