08 April, 2008

Be Careful Who You Shoot in Caruthersville

Early Sunday morning, the Caruthersville Police had to shoot a man who was apparently brandishing a weapon after stealing a car and being caught... (story here)

This alone is big news for our little town, but the reason that this story is so explosive is that the Police officers are white, and the 'suspect' was black. You can see all the speculation and racism on both sides HERE on the Topix thread. The title alone starts it off: "the murder by the police."

I've said it before- no matter your race, creed, religion, or sexual preference, IF YOU DRAW A WEAPON ON THE POLICE, THEY WILL SHOOT YOU. 'Protect and Serve' doesn't just mean protect the suspect. It also means that police should protect themselves as well in the line of duty. Seems like a simple, understandable fact of life, but apparently not to some of the citizens of Caruthersville. One of the people interviewed by the local TV station said something to the effect of this: 'if the police were close enough to use a Taser, they were close enough to arrest the man without shooting him.' Uh, yeah. Let's see YOU arrest someone while looking at the business end of a .45 auto. See how fast you look for a weapon yourself. Before all you anti-gun nuts start chiming in, please realize that someone who would steal a car would also obtain a gun illegally if they chose to be armed...

While I've been around long enough to know that corruption does exist among police, particularly in some of the larger cities, I can't imagine that the Caruthersville police would make a 'bad shoot' and try to cover it up. If the police version of the story is true, it sounds to me like they did their job well. It's too bad the 'suspect' had to lose his life, and it's too bad the officers in question will have to live with the fact that they have killed someone... In my opinion, the police have 'protected and served' the City of Caruthersville and society in general by doing what had to be done in the situation and removing a dangerous criminal from the streets, no matter his color.


Anonymous said...

The shoot was justified but there is alot of corruption within the Cville police department

Dennis said...

Thanks for commenting, anonymous... perhaps you could elaborate on examples of the corruption?