05 November, 2008

Much More Than Meets the Eye

The most interesting thing for me regarding the Obama election win last night was Jesse Jackson. Yes, the numero uno race-baiter was at the Obama victory celebration in Chicago, crying his eyes out over the historic win...

Was he crying due to happiness that racism is defeated? Was it more likely that he has much less to complain about now that a black man has been elevated to the highest office in the land and will be considered the most powerful man in the world? Call me cynical, but I believe it's more that latter than the former.

So there is your immediate positive effect of an Obama victory- go figure; I knew that if I thought about it long enough, I might find one- a solid nail in the coffin of Jackson's race-baiting business. Time to find a new line of work, Jesse.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Completely agree. What will Jesse do now? Happy Thanksgiving!
