31 December, 2009

What a Year

2009 was a far more important year than most people think. We elected our first black President, which officially put us into post-racial America. Finally. Or maybe not. There are still plenty of white racists out there, and of course there are still plenty of black racists as well. Jackson, Sharpton, and the NAACP are still going strong.

Even though our Dear Leader delivered us into post-racial America, the Administration and Congress have taken thuggery and disrespect for the Constitution to new heights. We now have czars for every problem we're facing (and some we're not), and even the most casual observer can tell you that unconstitutional is the first word that comes to mind. We learned this year that the President, NOT directors, may fire executives of large publicly-traded industrial corporations. I don't recall reading about that power in the Constitution. With the tacit approval of the Supreme Court, the Administration also completely trashed contract law in this country (GM and Chrysler bankruptcies). Contract law (specifically pertaining to bonds) is now a farce, and like the Constitution and our almighty dollar, isn't worth the paper it's written on.
Congress passed a 'stimulus' bill that spends more money than our government has spent in any Presidency thus far. In fact, more than all of them combined. Rest assured that the Federal Reserve Bank is on the case, 'monetizing the debt' (read: printing money) and saving us from further economic malaise. Isn't it strange how the dollars in your wallet are starting to look more and more like Monopoly money every day? I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store! I'll be keeping my head down, going to work, taking care of my family, and doing my best to enjoy life. Cheers!

28 July, 2009

Go Back to English Class, Mike

Mike Norman, the Pitbull Economics guy who occasionally appears on the "Cost of Freedom" Saturday Fox News shows, really should stick to his knitting and stay off television... While he is occasionally entertaining and sometimes seems to be a reasonable guy, you can count on him providing a steady supply of wing-nut ideas. His primary talent is talking/laughing over his debate opponents (usually Jonathan Hoenig or Wayne Rogers)- basically dominating the conversation to the extent he can.

In his appearance on Cashin' In this past weekend, he pulled out an old progressive/statist chestnut that just drove me up the wall, and I can't let it pass without comment: He mentioned something about promoting the general welfare, then said something like- “it's in the Preamble of the Constitution. Read it.” News Flash, Mike: the part of the preamble of the Constitution that mentions 'promote the general Welfare' does not mean that promoting the general welfare is a legitimate function of Government! Read the Preamble again:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I'll shorten it down to the relevant topic, so Mike can understand it: We the People, in order to promote the general Welfare, do ordain and establish this Constitution... In other words, Mike, the general welfare has already been promoted by the ordaining and establishment of the Constitution.... It's not an ongoing thing. It amazes me how the lefties always pull out this little 'general welfare' nugget, and they never get called on it. While I certainly make my share of grammatical errors, I do know how to read. Sharpen up, Mike, or Fox News may replace you...

12 July, 2009

No Recent Posts...

All I can say is, I've been out living my life lately. The weather is warm, which allows for plenty of outdoor activities. Don't get me wrong, I could go on for days about the colossal mistakes our government is currently making, or how we've managed to completely trash contract law with the bankruptcies of GM and Chrysler. It's no wonder that foreign investors are clamoring for an alternative to the dollar as a reserve currency. But I digress...

20 May, 2009

The Doctors and Drug Companies are Next

Since our Dear Leader and Congress now dictate corporate pay and apparently have the power to fire executives of private companies, my bet is that health care is next. You'll hear all sorts of rhetoric about excessive doctor pay and windfall drug profits, all of which will need to be sacrificed at the altar of the 'greater good,' whatever that is... It's funny to me that whether its a star athlete or a corporate executive, people from outside those professions always seem to know what proper compensation levels should be, and are always the most vocal about it...

Oh, by the way, I hereby extend my apologies to President Obama for off-handedly likening him to Kim Jong Il with the 'Dear Leader' reference. If that speech is now a violation of law, I plead ignorance, and throw myself on the mercy of the court.

19 February, 2009

The Santelli Rebellion

This video of Rick Santelli on CNBC this morning sums it up. Forget calling it the Chicago Tea Party, this is the start of The Santelli Rebellion... He's clearly a better thinker than anyone in Congress at the moment! SANTELLI '12 - It's not "yes we can," it's "yes we WILL." Viva Capitalism!

17 February, 2009

I feel refreshed

After a fine Saturday motorcycle ride- 180 miles, partly sunny, 44 degrees. Oh yeah, it'll do for February....

20 January, 2009

Roll Over, Thomas Jefferson

With B. Hussein Obama becoming El Presidente today, the small strides we have been taking towards socialism the last 20 years will become an olympic-sized long jump....

Thomas Jefferson, Adam Smith, and countless others who advocated free minds and free markets are surely rolling over in their graves today. Let's hope for the best!

01 January, 2009

Happy New Year

I hope you have a great one. Only one prediction this year, and it's an easy one: I think this year is going to be difficult, at least in terms of the collective financial funk we're in at the moment, but we'll somehow muddle through. On an individual level, we Americans will be learning what it's like to live within our means this year. That can't be a bad thing! Personal responsibility- what a concept!