31 December, 2009

What a Year

2009 was a far more important year than most people think. We elected our first black President, which officially put us into post-racial America. Finally. Or maybe not. There are still plenty of white racists out there, and of course there are still plenty of black racists as well. Jackson, Sharpton, and the NAACP are still going strong.

Even though our Dear Leader delivered us into post-racial America, the Administration and Congress have taken thuggery and disrespect for the Constitution to new heights. We now have czars for every problem we're facing (and some we're not), and even the most casual observer can tell you that unconstitutional is the first word that comes to mind. We learned this year that the President, NOT directors, may fire executives of large publicly-traded industrial corporations. I don't recall reading about that power in the Constitution. With the tacit approval of the Supreme Court, the Administration also completely trashed contract law in this country (GM and Chrysler bankruptcies). Contract law (specifically pertaining to bonds) is now a farce, and like the Constitution and our almighty dollar, isn't worth the paper it's written on.
Congress passed a 'stimulus' bill that spends more money than our government has spent in any Presidency thus far. In fact, more than all of them combined. Rest assured that the Federal Reserve Bank is on the case, 'monetizing the debt' (read: printing money) and saving us from further economic malaise. Isn't it strange how the dollars in your wallet are starting to look more and more like Monopoly money every day? I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store! I'll be keeping my head down, going to work, taking care of my family, and doing my best to enjoy life. Cheers!

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