23 May, 2006

Only Cowards Think We're at War?

Really- check out this article... While I agree completely that we should never give up our civil liberties, even in "war time," I have a problem with his terrorism analogy. Yes, we were sucker-punched on 9/11, and while there is no defense for said punch, it doesn't happen in a vacuum. Once you are sucker-punched, you are in a fight. You had better deal with the problem as effectively as possible. If you don't, others will be encouraged to do the same.

I further suggest that we were sucker-punched while standing in the middle of a number of people in the world who are sympathetic to the ones who punched us, if not perfectly willing to pile on themselves. Once the sucker-puncher has been dealt with, you had better quickly study his friends carefully, lest you become an enlightened idiot with a broken nose...

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