27 July, 2004

Convention Coverage

The only thing interesting about the political conventions this year is the fact that bloggers are there covering them... Since the bloggers aren't delegates, and the convention is scripted, it seems after reading the posts that they're all really bored.  Perhaps if the delegates kept live blogs, it might be interesting to get into their heads, but no such luck this time.

I enjoyed Clinton's speech Monday night, but not for the reason you might think- his presidency was a disaster in many respects, and were it not for the technology boom (which had more to do with free-market forces than governmental policies), this fact would be painfully obvious to most Americans.  Be that as it may, Clinton might be the most masterful orator of the past hundred years.  His eloquence just can't be matched.

Ostensibly a speech to rally support for Kerry, hidden under the surface was an excellent attempt at rewriting the history of his administration and putting it in a more positive light...  The 'Kerry mentions' were just frequent enough to avoid this appearance to most people... The 'strength and wisdom' comment was classic.

Kudos to Bill, he may have done some damage to Bush, who like himself, is perfectly willing to waste my tax dollars and walk all over the Constitution with reckless abandon!

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