23 July, 2004


Of a physical attack, or of people who think that it's possible to learn self-defense solely through books and videos?

Don't get me wrong, self-defense and martial arts books and videos are great, as I have several. Each has their place in aiding your training.  My actual training has done far more for me than just having the knowledge could ever do... There is a big difference in knowing what to do and instinctively applying a technique when you really need it!

Don't believe it if you get the impression that it will be easy to gain the ability to 'defeat any attacker.'  The only way to achieve that is to physically train, preferrably with various human opponents, for several years... Even then, you will not be ready for all possible attacks.  Here's the link to a site that prompted this post:


Anonymous said...

CLICK! the green alien with antennae on INDEX. As I din't write the rules, I'd appreciate it if you din't yell at me. Only a prophet. Thanx. God bless. www.reddink.com

Anonymous said...

I totally believe in supplementing actual hands on training with videos and text. I, however, can't believe people have the nerve to state a claim such as this. NEVER think that you can become unbeatable. Your life is on the line. Never fight a fight you aren't sure you can win. Check out my site for info on people learning to mix it up both academically and physically: http://www.martialartscity.com/students/thiz11/index.html

Anonymous said...

All i can say is WoW!!! I have practiced martial arts off and on for several years, and i have beatin' people in conflits, both real and tournament style, and once again all i can say is wow. With the knowledge i posess, not much, i am afraid of every conflict in which i am a part, and i never take my opponent too lightly. The belief that one can learn to beat anyone walking the face of the earth is just plain ol bull(u know the rest). Any one person can get in a lucky shot, or a shot unseen, that will render even the most trained fighter helpless. I myself have trained with my father and other friends/comartial artists, and have dislocated my ankle, and dislocated my elbow, with what seemed to be accidents. I have seen women hit men, and knock them on their butts, because the blow was unexpected. Any sight, book, or video claiming to have all the answers for defending ones self, is flying high on their own ego.