21 September, 2004

The Journalists are Circling the Wagons

Howard Witt of the Chicago Tribune wrote an article blasting bloggers because we're anonymous and we don't have any journalistic integrity... Sounds to me like Mr. Witt is a little mad about the Dan Blather debacle as well. Not that it happened, but that Dan got caught.

TOO BAD! We bloggers have no lock on the truth, and we don't have people to fact-check for us, but apparently neither does CBS! I can't speak for everyone, but I write my opinions and what I believe to be true, and if I'm wrong, then post a comment and prove it. As for anonymity, it doesn't matter who is writing a blog if what they've written turns out to be true...

I think Dan Blather, Mr. Witt, and their fellow 'real' journalists are upset that we everyday Neanderthals are generally skeptical of what they tell us, and can do an end-run around the major media anytime we wish. This is the promise of the internet, a more transparent society. Big-time journalists had better change, and quick! It's time to start asking EVERYONE the hard questions, and live up to the journalistic ideals that you wear so conspicuously on your sleeves...

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