31 December, 2004
Good News
30 December, 2004
US Divers Survive Tsunami
Check out this story about divers surviving the tsunami... As a fellow diver, all I can say is that these divers were in the best possible place to be during this disaster (other than higher ground) ... What a ride they must have had! I'm always glad to hear a survival story.
28 December, 2004
Howard Stern, Freedom Fighter
26 December, 2004
And in the Karma Department...
24 December, 2004
Assailants Kill 28 in Honduras Bus Attack
I May Have Coined a Term
22 December, 2004
Something New
Buy Stock, Don't Take It
21 December, 2004
19 December, 2004
The French Have Spy Satellites
Check out this story: Yahoo! News - French Spy Satellite Travels Into Orbit
I wonder how long it will be before we have the ability to take out other countries satellites at will? Now that the Euros and the Chinese have these abilities, when will a 'space cold war' start? I predict a long and stable future for the American Defense Industry...
Proof that Sunday Boredom is Setting In
- I like the result
- It's amusing that someone thinks they've accurately classified all souls
You Are a Warrior Soul |
![]() You are picky about details and rigorous in your methods.You also value honesty and fairness a great deal.You can be outspoken, intimidating, headstrong, and demanding.You're a hardliner who demands the best from themselves and others. Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul |
17 December, 2004
State Farm- Sticking it to the Man
14 December, 2004
Congressional Priorities
Some comments from our lofty leaders:
"They have a responsibility, not only to the sport, but to the children of America who look up to these players," Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said on Fox News Sunday. "Quite frankly, it's overdue."
Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said the problem "could be ended, bang, just like that, if everybody from the owners to the unions just step up and face the reality that we've got a huge problem."
Appearing on ABC's This Week, Frist said, "I'll support being very aggressive if it cannot be addressed at the more local level, which again, I would much prefer."
After the Army-Navy game, McCain said he wanted immediate action "to restore the integrity of baseball" or Congress would act.
"I warned them a long time ago we needed to fix this problem," McCain said. "It's time for them to sit down together and act. And that's what they should do. If not, clearly, we have to act legislatively, which we don't want to do."
Wake Up, Congress!
Congress, get the hell out of the way, and let Americans do what we do best!
12 December, 2004
I'm Upset
09 December, 2004
08 December, 2004
Personal Responsibility: What a Wonderful Thing
07 December, 2004
06 December, 2004
Vote With Your Wallet - And Quit Whining!
05 December, 2004
Now That's a Shipwreck Worth Diving
Diving shipwrecks is always an amazing experience, but this: Yahoo! News - Entertainment Photos - Reuters would take it to an entirely new level...
Nearly Half of Britons Unaware of Auschwitz?
I thought it was America that had the lock on ignorance, not the sophisticated Euro types! (end sarcasm) Yahoo! News - Nearly Half of Britons Unaware of Auschwitz?
02 December, 2004
The Jeopardy Guy Took a Dive
01 December, 2004
I Thought Iraq was a Total Meltdown...
Dan Blather and his colleagues have been telling me for months now that Iraq is a total failure... In this photo gallery, it looks like life has improved dramatically for these kids... Daily Dunklin Democrat: Photo Gallery : Robert "Oney" Pruett in Iraq