06 December, 2004

Vote With Your Wallet - And Quit Whining!

Somebody has to stand up for Target and their decision to boot the Salvation Army bell-ringers... The media has been all over Target about this - quite predictably.
The storefronts are the property of Target, and if they don't want people standing around outside hassling their patrons for money, then they have the right to prevent them from doing so. If this is a big deal to you, then by all means, stop whining and vote with your wallet. One of the benefits of a free market is that you don't have to buy anything from Target if you don't want to. Maybe you don't like the hassle of charity requests, and will choose to do most of your shopping at Target.
Even though I will probably surrender some of my change to the Salvation Army this year, I happen to like Target and will continue to shop there this Holiday Season.

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