28 December, 2004

Howard Stern, Freedom Fighter

I love it when a big-wig like Howard Stern gets riled up about civil rights. It sometimes takes a civil rights victim with tremendous influence to finally affect change. Howard's free-speech rights have been violated by the FCC on a number of occasions, and he's going to do something about it...
This year, Howard finally had enough, and actively worked against the re-election of President Bush. What I think Howard doesn't understand is that he'd be fighting the same battle, no matter which Demublican or Republicrat is in the White House. Both major parties are perfectly happy with too much governmental influence in our lives...
Despite the infancy of satellite radio, Howard is making the switch to Sirius satellite radio, at tremendous risk to his own career. Good for Howard. I hope he and Sirius make a mint, if for no other reason than to stick it in the eye of the FCC and all the naysayers...
I'm not a big listener of Howard's, but free speech is free speech. Each of the Bill of Rights should have equal importance. Hey Howard, take a look at the Libertarian Party- we don't care what you say or do, and as an added bonus, we don't care how much money you make!


Nathan Frampton said...

It seems that I agree with a lot of your beliefs. I have also looked over the Libertarian platform and agree with most it (isolationism being one exception).

The problem is our system’s winner take all approach only allows two parties to hold power. If we had a parliamentary system like the UK or Israel, smaller parties would get more attention. I don’t see the emergence of a strong 3rd party in our nation’s future.

Our two party system forces me to vote Republican (I think their platform is closer to Libertarian than Democrat) or for whomever I feel I agree with most from our two major parties (more often than not a Republican). If I vote libertarian, I am giving a Democrat an edge as I think they are the worst of two evils.

Because I doubt a 3rd party’s emergence, my only recourse is to promote my views with Democrats and Republicans.

I look forward to your thoughts on this.

Dennis said...

Ah, the old 'wasted vote' syndrome. I get what you're saying. However, a strong 3rd party will truly never emerge without a base that's willing to cast a vote, regardless the current odds. The way I see it, instead of voting against the bigger evil in the last few elections, I've voted for the candidate most closely aligned with my views. What could be more ideal than that? Will it help the Democrats? Maybe. Until the Republicans get serious about reigning in all the entitlements (any direct wealth transfers, like social security and medicare) and reducing the tax burden on the most productive people in society, then they get what they deserve if my vote costs them an election. Perhaps they will lose a few elections, and start to match their actions with their rhetoric...

It will be interesting to see if the Republicans live up to their rhetoric during this administration- they have the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. No more excuses. Will they reign in the entitlements and the pork? My bet is they won't. The National Endowment for the Arts will be firmly in place when the next administration begins. I hope I'm wrong, and if so, I will change my thinking about the Republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely don't agree with all Libertarians. I am quite hawkish when it comes to terrorism, and there are several peaceniks in the LP. I am unaware of any pervasive isolationism, however. Most Libertarians are free-market types, so isolationism would be impossible.

Thanks for your comment, feel free to continue the discussion!