30 August, 2005

I'm a Bit Puzzled by my Local TV Station

and their decision to send a local reporter and crew down to the New Orleans area to cover Hurricane Katrina. Why in the world would a Cape Girardeau, Missouri CBS affiliate do this? Isn't hurricane reporting Manuel Gallegas' job? Aren't the major networks, as well as the cable news networks already there, covering the story 24/7?

I heard a spot on KFVS 12 this afternoon that said something to the effect of: "KFVS 12- the only Heartland TV Station covering Katrina live..." Maybe that's because they're the only Heartland TV station foolish enough to send someone down there... The local flooding in Kentucky due to Katrina was far more relevant to our news.

That being said, you go, Channel 12. If sending reporters to far-flung locations makes you morph into a major news powerhouse, congrats, and here's hoping you make a pile of $...

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